- BOUNDARIES: The Game Arena consists of the official borderlines of the Ponttoonipolku 4 which is marked by the fences and the ditch.
- EQUIPMENT: Provided by the organizer. Participants may use any additional equipment they can think of. All the items in the Game Arena can be used. Return used items on their places after finishing. Note that windows etc. cannot be broken. Be also careful if handling farm tools like for example scythe and rake.
- PUNCHING: Each sector is finished by punching the emit card at the corresponding clue. The overall result is determined as the time between the starting punch and finishing punch.
- RESPONSIBILITY: Every participant attends the Game on their own responsibility. Note that most of the surfaces on winter time might be slippery so be careful when moving around the Arena.
- EQUIPMENT: Provided by the organizer as documented in Back-Up. Participants may use any additional equipment they can think of. All the items in the Snowhostel can be used and new ones can also be suggested.
- TIME LIMITS: Successful Survival is considered when staying in the Snowhostel for 4 hours. Retreat possible anytime to Back-Up House.
- RESPONSIBILITY: Every participant attends the Survival on their own responsibility. Note that most of the winter time the temperature is below 0 Celsius degrees and sometimes even minus 20-30 degrees. Winterproof warm clothes recommended.